All Applications will be completed electronically, and all electronic signatures will be considered a legal signature.
The Waukegan Park District invites you to join us for this year’s American Independence Parade. We encourage all groups to apply and join us: organizations, businesses, teams, music groups, bands, drill teams, and groups of friends. You can join us as walking units, vehicles, floats, performances, or any other imaginative idea that will contribute to the excitement, pride, and community of this parade! All groups are strongly encouraged to decorate according to the theme.
All groups must submit a Parade Unit Agreement, Parade Unit Terms and Conditions Form, and Certificate of Insurance (if applicable). Most units may participate for free. Political Parties must pay a fee to participate and should include this payment with the parade application. Some entertainment units may be paid. These units may require a Certificate of Insurance. All participants in a unit (paid, unpaid, or fee) must abide by the stated Unit Terms and Conditions.
The parade line up is at the sole discretion of the Waukegan Park District. Units will receive notice within 14 business days if their unit has been approved. A two to three sentence description or background of your group is important so our announcers can share this description with spectators as you pass the announcers stand. The parade lineup will be emailed and posted on the Waukegan Park District website no later than Thursday, June 26, 2025. Staging for the parade will take place from 11am to 12pm on Sheridan Road, between Franklin and Washington Streets. ALL units must be in their lineup position no later than 12pm. The park district reserves the right to start the parade early.
All City of Waukegan and/or Waukegan Park District Ordinances, Rules, or Regulations in place at the time of the event will be followed. Any changes after application submission will be communicated as they become known.