Theatre Programs and Performances

The Waukegan Park District offers theatre programs for children and adults designed to provide an opportunity to learn live theatrical presentation. Children and adults receive instruction in selecting costumes, understanding stage directions, proper use of stage makeup, and more.

The information for theatre programs currently available is listed below. For more information about the Waukegan Park District’s Theatre Productions & Programs, contact Angela Marcum at or (847) 360-4746.

Young Actor's Theatre ShowSaturday, June 7, 20251pm to 4pm$50/$55Coming Soon
Bowen Park Theatre for Youth Production presents Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR. (Friday)Friday, August 1, 20257pm to 9pm$10Coming Soon
Bowen Park Theatre for Youth Production presents Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR. (Saturday)Saturday, August 2, 20253pm to 5pm$10 Coming Soon
Bowen Park Theatre for Youth Production presents Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR. (Sunday)Sunday, August 3, 20253pm to 5pm$10Coming Soon